Dear NJ Professional Members,
The incredible work you have done over the years should not be shadowed by the torment of one person. Starting today we have to stand strong and believe in each other and help to make our organization stronger. At this time, I am beginning a series of emails to you with information that was shared with us. I believe in you and the work you have done with our athletes. Help me in showing that New Jersey is strong and united. Over 30 years ago gymnastics directed me into a lifestyle and a career of helping, working with and guiding children. I know how much I care for all of our athletes and you do as well. Lets stand tall and preach empowerment of our athletes and the work that we have all done to better the lives of children. I know with your support, we can come back as a stronger organization. I have also included in this email, the statement that all states are standing behind.
These words were written by the state and regional chairs of the womens’ program.
USA Gymnastics holds the highest standard of care for athletes and members.We have the desire to rebuild and to move forward. We have the opportunity right now, in the history of USA Gymnastics, in our sport, and in our country, to lead, saying, we are going to get it right. By doing that, we will honor our athletes who have been impacted and we will honor all USA Gymnastics members and participants, including, but not limited to, athletes, coaches, parents, judges, and volunteers. We will not be the organization that shuts the doors, changes the name, and puts a new face on the same institution. At the end of the day, we have an opportunity to improve USA Gymnastics. We have an obligation to meet the challenge that has been set before us and to become a better organization. It is about sharing positive gymnastics stories and getting it right.
We will get it right.
Eighty-Eight Women’s Program USA Gymnastics National, Regional, and State leaders stood today to wholeheartedly support USA Gymnastics.
Mr. Brant Lutska
New Jersey State Administrative Committee Chairman