USAGNJ is seeking nominations for it’s NJ Gymnastics Hall of Fame. If you know of a person that did gymnastics,coached or judged for over 5 years in the State of NJ, has outstanding accomplishments and has been retired for at least 5 yrs, please take the time to nominate them for consideration into the NJ Gymnastics Hall of Fame. All nominations will need:
- Picture of the nominee
- Completed nomination form (Form can be found on the USAGNJ website)
- Short bio (max 1 page)
The picture, nomination form and bio must be emailed back to Mary Peters, Nominations must have all three parts to be considered. Submissions must be received by June 1, 2017. All nominations submitted after June 1, 2017 will be held and considered for the following year. After 2yrs, they will be dropped off the list and must be re-nominated.