Dear N.J. professional members,
As you may have seen, the U.S. Center for Safe Sport has created a new requirement that all athletes, age 18 or older, must complete the U110 to be in the field of play. The course is free and must be completed prior to March 23, 2019. This is a mandate from the USOC for all National Governing Bodies, not just USA Gymnastics.
Please see below the message that was sent to the membership Monday.
USA Gymnastics will not begin auditing athlete membership records for compliance until April 23, 2019. This is after L9/10 Regionals but before E/W and JO Nationals. I DO NOT want to tell an athlete who qualifies to any post season Championship meets that she cannot compete in that competition. Please help me remind these athletes that this needs to be completed asap. I certainly don’t expect them to do this before this weekend’s competitions but definitely before the championship meets roll around.
Please share this messaging to any clubs, coaches or athlete that may reach out to you with any question or concerns or direct them to contact the Member Services Department directly at 800.345.4719 or via email at membership@usagym.org.
View USA Gymnastics Member Services News HERE