Julia Peters/Level 10
Epic Gymnastics
Coaches: Mary Peters, Jaime Berkheiser, Jaime Solheim
Home Town: Pennington, NJ
Parents: Mary Peters and CJ Peters
Julia plans to attend the college
Academic Achievements:
Cum Laude Society (top 10% of graduating class)
4.14 GPA, High Honor Roll
Award to the Freshman Excelling in English
Award to the Sophomore Excelling in English
Winner of the Stephen Crane Poetry Competition
Editor-in-Chief of school’s newspaper and literary magazine.
Gymnastics Achievements:
Level 6 Vault State Champ
Level 8 Bar State Champ
Level 8 Floor Regional Champ
Alternate for Level 9 Nationals
Level 10 State Qualifier (Highest level 10 AA 34.7)
Words of Wisdom:
Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
-Stephen King