Aliyah Slocum is a Level 9 athlete training at Will-Moor Gymnastics where she is coached by Kim Bonus, Kevin Bonus, John Wilton and Jeanne Kane.
She resides in Voorhees, NJ with her parents Lenny and Colette Slocum.
In the fall, Aliyah plans on attending Alderson Broaddus University to pursue a doctorate in physical therapy or criminal justice.
Academic Achievements:
Currently in honor classes and an excellent student who excels in all subjects and also part of student alliance.
Gymnastics Achievements:
Level 7 State champion, Level 8 state champion and record holder on floor. Level 8 regional qualifier twice. Level 9 regional qualifier and state champion on floor coming back from a reconstructed ACL last year.
Words of Wisdom:
” We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated “